You Have $5,000… What's the Ideal Documentary Kit?

Of all the emails and questions I get, the most common probably center around some variation of, “What camera should I buy?”.  And the answer of course depends on your budget and what you want to shoot (and how many times I’ve already answered this question that particular week).

Even armed with this info, there is still no 100% clear answer, but figuring out the answer to these questions will help you narrow things down to a smaller set of options…which are always a good thing to have.

Here’s an in-depth article on the PBS P.O.V. website by Edward J. Delaney, editor of Documentary Tech, that compiles advice from a bunch of indie doc filmmakers on what they use in the field and how they choose their rigs… so now you no longer have to ask me.

READ “I Have $5,000… What’s the Ideal Documentary Kit?.

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