Tahir Jetter – Filmmaker Serves Up Film School Reality 101

One of my former NYU student employee’s turned filmmaking colleague (as they often do) just wrote an exceptionally insightful article on whether or not one should go to filmschool and how to make the most of the experience.  I spend a lot of time counseling young people on this very same issue and have long said I was gonna write a comprehensive article on the subject, but my man, Tahir, already did and I have to say that his assessment is largely spot-on to my own.

If you are considering film school, I will label this a must-read article.  Listen and learn, baby…


To Film School, or Not to Film School? (An Admittedly Biased Perspective)

Article by Tahir Jetter


This is in response to a recent poster, Ashton, who asked:

“Hello, I am a 17-year old high school student…I just wanted to know about your experiences at NYU. Did your studies there help you in regard to making films? Do you think it was worth it?  I just wanted to get a personal opinion from someone who physically went to NYU film school, because I’ve heard a lot of people say that “film school isn’t worth it” and that “it’s a waste of time”, so I’m not quite sure what to believe. And I wouldn’t want to make the wrong decision.”

No.  Seek a career in banking/finance/health/a defensible industry, now.

…Kidding, kidding.  (Sort of).

[read the full article ]

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