Get 10% Off Indie Film Boot Camp NOW!

Indie Film Boot Camp – Promo 3 from Anthony Artis on Vimeo.

Don’t miss the debut of the hottest filmmaking seminar in town. Why is this seminar so hot?

Because we’re going out of our way to tell you all the things they don’t cover at the other seminars. Sure you need to know the ins and outs of story structure, putting together a business plan, operating equipment, but as any first time filmmaker will tell you…that’s just the start of a solid film education.

There are a hundred other less tangible, but completely practical things that aren’t really covered in standard film seminars and classes that you NEED to know before you plunge all the way in.

These are the real-world logistical, psychological and business aspects of filmmaking that can make or break any film shoot. (Think of it as the difference between what one might learn in Medical school versus what one will experience when dealing with real patients with complex issues.)

To be clear, these are all things that you WILL learn eventually if you keep making films, but the real question is how will you learn them?

The Hard Way? – through painful, time-consuming and expensive mistakes?


The Smart Way? – from other indie filmmakers that have already made those painful mistakes who can clearly tell you how to avoid them so you can hit the ground running instead of stumbling?

There’s only one answer to me: Come to Indie Film Boot Camp in New York City on Sat. March 27th and find out what nobody else is telling YOU.

What type of painful mistakes are we talking about? Check out the videos on this page to see for yourself.

And just cause you’re down with Down and Dirty DV, I’m gonna give you a 10% discount off the already insanely discounted Early Bird Price of $99.00 until March 6th. ($120.00 after!)

So that’s a full day of premium filmmaking instruction from 3 dynamic speakers for only $89.00 if you ACT by this Sat. March 6th. (Take a minute and Google the term “filmmaking seminar”. You won’t find a better deal anywhere.) That’s less than half the cost just about anywhere else, because I really want to get this info out there in the hands of the people that need it most.

Click HERE now to register and enter this secret discount code for 10% off: DNDLUV-327

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