Alrick Brown – Writer/Director of the Award-winning Sundance Film "Kinyarwanda"


One of the things we pride ourselves on with The Double Down Film Show show is that we talk to tomorrow’s indie filmmaker’s today, such is the case with one of our early guests, Writer/Director – Alrick Brown, who is back to discuss the incredible rise of his first feature, Kinyarwanda, an intense and moving drama about the people affected by the Rwandan genocide that’s in theaters NOW.

Notably the film was shot entirely on location in Rwanda with a cast of all Rwandans and Africans, won the Sundance World Cinema Audience Award and is now being distributed by Ava DuVernay’s outfit AFFRM (African-American Film Festival Releasing Movement).

How did his team successfully market this NON-COMMERCIAL film?
WHO should be going to film festival with you and what do they do?
How did an UNDERGRAD film student come to EDIT this indie hit?
What festival STRATEGIES did his team deploy to push the film?
How can you manage the HYPE that comes with attention?

We’ll drill Alrick on the answers to all these questions and more. Plus, we’ll also be sharing some of our exclusive tips and advice for video freelancers from the all-new Shut Up and Shoot Freelance Video Guide now available for Pre-orders.  It’s not even hitting the bookstore shelves for another week, but we’re putting another preview in your ear on the very next Double Down Film Show.

Some say that, “the game is to be sold, not told”. But we don’t care. We’re giving away the film game for free every Wednesday night 9pm EST.  Get a piece while it’s hot, baby!

Kinyarwanda Featured on CNN

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    Tieuel Legacy! in Motion

    This entire AFFRM movement is huge. Ava’s doing a good job. Alrick has come a long way since the NYU Film School. To make something overseas on the first time out, on feature, is also huge. I’m hoping that we can get this in Houston. Tieuel Legacy! in Motion

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      He’s honestly one of a handful of people I met and thought they had “it” very early on, so not surprising at all. When people start off with some measure of talent and dedication, are focused and show a clear understanding of storytelling and how the industry works- businesswise and socially – it’s a very good indicator. Few embody all those things while still learning. And even fewer that do are humble about it. Talent alone isn’t even close to enough to make it in this industry. The saddest thing I see from my vantage point is people with great filmmaking talent, but lacking in the business sense, hustle, social graces, discipline or understanding of how the industry works to parlay that talent into real opportunities. As I said long ago on the show, I see Alrick as one of those people that gets the big picture and won’t blow the opportunities he’s been able to create.

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